About Us
Sweet Apple Acres is a fan shrine dedicated to Applejack, one of the main characters from the television show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. In the show, Applejack is depicted as a female Earth pony who, among her friends, represents one of the Elements of Harmony, or in her case, the Element of Honesty.
MLP:FIM has spawned a lot of popular and memorable characters since it first aired in October 2010. However, Applejack is, unfortunately, the least popular member of the Mane Six, often jokingly referred to as a background pony in spite of being a member of the main cast. We at Sweet Apple Acres believe that AJ deserves as much love and praise as her fellow mares, no matter how big or small her role is in My Little Pony.
Our philosophy is to provide a haven for fans of Applejack who want to share the latest news, merchandise, artwork and other fan-made content of everyone's favorite Earth pony. We also welcome works and content based on her closest and dearest, so where AJ goes, so does the family.
If you're interested in submitting your works to be hosted here, check out our Submission Guidelines for more information. We'll upload just about anything, as long as it's appropriate for all ages.
If you've got any clever suggestions for our site, or just feel like chatting about ponies, life, the universe and everything, you can also use our Contact Form to get in touch. I'm available to chat with most of the time, so you're almost guaranteed a quick response in a timely manner.
Looking forward to hearing from you guys soon!